Influence and how to optimize gig title for Fiverr ranking (SEO)

Influence and how to optimize gig title for Fiverr ranking (SEO)

Fiverr Gig title plays a major role when it comes to Fiverr gig ranking and SEO. Title is one the first features a visitor sees when he looks at a gig. Title should convey the client clearly, what is included in the gig. Giving a clear idea for the title helps the client to get a good picture on what you are going provide as a service, but does that only help you to boost your ranking? The answer is no. Only a clear title will not help to rank your Fiverr gig. Let’s discuss how to optimize the title for better ranking with a clear idea.


Hello future millionaires! Welcome to our website This article is on how ‘Gig title’ helps in Fiverr gig ranking and how to optimize these two factors for ranking. If you haven’t read our other articles on, you can read them also where it helps to you get more orders and optimize your business. In addition, you can read many more articles on our website, which are related to e money, technology, entrepreneurship and business.

How to optimize title for gig ranking/ SEO

Best combination that affect for Fiverr gig ranking is a clear title with proper keywords. Keywords are the words that is relevant to your topic and the word combination, which people has searched on Fiverr platform. There many methods to find the keywords related to your gig type. We will discuss the mostly used and effective methods to find the keywords related. After that we will create a full SEO optimized clear title for your gig.

How to find keywords for your gig title

Imagine you are a logo designer, and you want to create a logo design (minimalist logo design) gig.

Method 1

You can type the logo design and minimalist logo design as two keyword phrases (where logo design, minimalist will be keywords). Then type one phrase in Fiverr search bar and see for the other phrases appearing in the drop-down menu.

First, you can use logo design keyword. Then note down all the related keyword phrases in that in a separate note pad.

Then use the other keyword phrase, which is minimalist logo design. Then note down all the related keyword phrases in note pad.

Method 2

This is done with the help of a plugin. You can install ‘Fiverr quick view’ extension for your web browser (this supports for many web browsers). You can download this extension from this link.

Then you can search the gig types you are going to post in your account. Then you can see the mostly used keywords in the gigs as follows.

The number after the keyword shows the number of times that keywords is used in the gig for a particular search result (for the loaded page).

Also, when you scroll down and see the gigs, you will be able to see the keywords that is mostly used by that particular gig.

As well, you will be able to see the number of orders, gig favorites and reviews from this extension without going into the gig.

You can use these keywords as the keywords for your Fiverr gig. 

Fiverr gig title size and best practices

Normally Fiverr gig’s title allows for 80 characters. However, when a person sees a gig from the search list, they will not see all the 80 characters in the gig. They can see all the 80 characters when they click on the gig only. Therefore, it is a good practice to use the most important keywords and phrases at the beginning than using them at the tail of the title.

Finalizing the gig title

Now we have the keywords for the gig, which we took using method 1 or method 2. Then we have to use these keywords and combine to get a meaning full title matching with the service you are offering in your Fiverr gig. If you feel lazy in creating the combinations, you can use ChatGPT to write you combinations of the title using these keywords and select the best out of them. Following is an example for a prompt you can use, and which can be customized according to your requirement.

Example for ChatGPT prompt to generate Fiverr gig titles: Use the following keywords to generate 10 gig titles for a Fiverr gig which is related to logo design. Limit the title to 80 characters and use the keywords at the beginning of the title.

Cheers, now you have created a perfect SEO optimized Fiverr gig title matching for your service.

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